Saturday, February 24, 2024

Tokyo trip - days 11 and 12

 Tokyo trip, continued. 

On Saturday and Sunday, we packed in as much fun, food, shopping with Kaela and Liz as we could.  What a whirlwind with Kaela in town for only two nights, just for the concert really, before getting back to Charlotte and the twins.  

The girls LOVED the concert as well - 

We met them afterwards - 

And taxied to get some sushi - and debrief the greatest concert any of us has ever seen. 

And the next afternoon, we all flew home.  At the airport Kaela needed David's help packing in souvenirs;). 

One last sushi lunch at the airport - 

Tired and happy Kaela.  And grateful parents.  We loved seeing her and we were very touched that she made it possible for us to see Taylor Swift in concert.  

Sayonara Tokyo.  We love you. 



  1. What a great experience to share!

  2. You are so brave to go back to Japan after your horrible Covid quarantine experiences. Lovely to experience the city again as you once knew it.

    Imagine flying round the world---for a Taylor Swift concert--unforgettable!



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