Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Medallion Quilts at the NEQM, and life

 Another month has flown by.  I don't check blogs as much as I used to... maybe on Instagram more now I guess.  

I never posted anything last month about seeing the AQSG Medallion Quilts at the New England Quilt Museum.  The truth is, I got my times mixed up and it turned out David and I had to just fly through the exhibit before the museum closed.  Still, what a treat to see this traveling exhibit! 

Here are a few - and Lori of Humble Quilts has just posted more on her blog here with really great photos and details.  Please check it out!  

Made by Wendy Caton Reed: 

Made by Blair W. Mahan: 

Made by Sandra Starley: 

Made by Jennifer Perkins: 

In other news, I am just busy with Christmas preparations, really looking forward to having all the kids here.  

I am also processing the news that Kaela and family will be moving to San Francisco after the holidays... for a new great job... and taking my three grand babies with them, as they must, lol.  They say they will be back to North Carolina after a few years.  Here's hoping! 

So we have been relishing every moment with them.  Charlotte loves our riotous collection of hashioki  (chopstick rests) - 

And anything related to cookies - 

I still feel new in my local quilt guild but I've told myself to "give it a year" in the hopes of finding quilting kindred spirits.  Tonight is a holiday potluck I am prepared with all of my homework - hospital pillowcases; donation blocks for QOV quilts; BOM blocks; Yankee Swap gift...  

and fresh sour dough bread (butter on the side) for the potluck... which I will slice up at the last minute.  

I hope that if you are reading this, you are doing well in spirit and that you will be spending time with loved ones in the coming weeks.  The holidays can be fraught, I know.  

Still, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and Happy New Year all around.   




  1. Thanks for posting the pix from the museum. I didn't even know about that show. And your home made sourdough looks fantastic! I bake sourdough bread during the Pandemic but I don't think I ever got a loaf that full. It's a real art! Happy Holidays to you too!

  2. So to give things a positive spin you will be visiting in San Francisco in the new year. One of my favorite cities. Merry Christmas!


  3. Lovely post! I sincerely hope you find a comfortable home in your local guild - being part of the quilting community can be so rewarding. Sorry you won’t be so close to your grandchildren for a while - an excuse for lots of visits to a great area! Happy holidays! (Gladi Porsche)

  4. Love that final photo! You look great. Sad news about the family moving- I hope they will be back! I know you love their company. Happy Holidays!

  5. Oh I am sorry to hear that one part of your family will be moving. I bet you will travel out to see them from time to time.
    So enjoy this year’s celebrations the more.

  6. Thank you for sharing some of the quilts from your visit to the NEQM. I have purchased a couple of the books of the AQSG, and I really enjoy seeing the interpretations of the quilts they choose to study. And knowing Wendy and Sandra, it was really meaningful to see their pieces.
    How can they take those little ones away from you when you have finally come to roost near them?!? So sorry to hear about that. People just don't stay put much.
    Your sourdough bread looks excellent!
    Love that last photo. So precious!

  7. Thank you for sharing my quilt!


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