Tuesday, March 25, 2025

My brother's sashiko throw finished, and a little London getaway


Spring has started springing in sunny North Carolina.  It is so beautiful here. 

I finished the next sashiko sofa throw, this one for my brother and sister in law.  This time, I sandwiched the layers with thin batting ("cream rose").  



Again I used a lot of vintage pieces mixed with new indigo, and some pieces of Liberty tana lawn.  After everything was sashiko-ed (quilted, really) I appliquéd some patches on to the front, for balance. 

A good way to use a small piece of vintage Katazome: 

Meanwhile David was on a long business trip to several cities and I met up with him in London for a few days.  It was such a nice getaway.  

So fun seeing friends Nate and Savannah and meeting their kiddos for the first time in Hyde Park.  

At Liberty, charm everywhere - 

These celebrity needlepoint kits were a hoot, tempting: 

Crochet flowers - 

Sometimes I want to chuck all my quilting stuff and do embroidery - 

My travel back and forth was happily uneventful.  David returned home a week later after more business travel and we both promptly got Covid which kept each of us laid low for a solid week.   Coming out of the fog now! 

I keep taking unintentional breaks from blog reading and certainly blog posting!  But not ready to throw in the towel just yet! 

Hoping you my quilting pals across the miles are doing well in this topsy turvy world.  




  1. a lovely finish....and oh liberty! i imagine it is so very tempting...

  2. The sashiko throw is gorgeous! How wonderful to go to London! With the weak yen, I don’t think I will be going again anytime soon. I hope you are feeling good as new after being ill. Enjoy the NC springtime!

  3. Oh, the new boro quilt is stunning. I love that you add pieces on top and that some of them are Liberty lawn.
    What a fun trip to London. I fell in love with those embroidery hoops right away.. the needle point portraits are fun too.
    I’m glad you and David have recovered from COVID now.
    Enjoy the beauty of spring. In Tokyo the cherry trees have just started opening their buds.

  4. You either have the uncanny ability to make the "planned" seem random, or the random seem planned. Whatever it is, you do it so well in your Sashiko work, and in the collage work you have done in the past.
    How lovely for you and David to have time together for a getaway in London.Liberty looks like a very fun place to shop.
    Glad you survived a round of COVID!

  5. Thanks for the idea to use Liberty fabrics in sashiko. Now, why didn't I think of that??
    The displays in the fabric section of the Liberty store are so enticing. The celebrity needlepoint kits really are a hoot!

  6. Oh my, this is just beautiful. I really want to start doing some sashiko. Glad you were able to get away for a bit. Sorry about the Covid part, but it seems everyone I know who has travelled this winter has come home with it. Such is life! So happy to hear you haven't given up the blog entirely. I'm in the same boat!

  7. So glad to hear you are feeling better. Covid is just part of life now and we try to do our best. My husband has still never had it - I think he's a carrier though because I've had it at least twice even with immunizations. The Sashiko piece is lovely. You do such nice work.

  8. Your Sashiko throw is wonderful!! I think there are still plenty of us who enjoy reading blogs, so thanks for continuing yours even if less frequent. Get well and enjoy spring!!


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