Saturday, February 1, 2025

February already and more sashiko in the works

In January I finished Noelle's sashiko throw (no batting)... here are a couple of close ups and I will get photos of the whole thing this week when I give it to her! 

My niece Alyssa is making an improv "row by row" quilt for her sister and I'm helping with a couple of the rows - scrappy waves: 

And messy log cabin blocks - on my sewing/guest room "design bed" below - 

Another niece, Stephanie, had a baby shower and the food was set up so cute with a "book" theme... 

I forgot to get a photo of the simple baby quilt I made her!  It's nice to live 2 hours drive away now that we are in North Carolina.  I can't believe I've lived here three years already! 

Meanwhile our little local grand daughter Chloe sweet as can be here with one of the quilts I made her -  

Last week I basted another sashiko throw - this one for my brother and sister in law - here's the backing - and this time I'm experimenting using very thin batting in between the indigo layers. 

Basting went fast, easy with Netflix on my laptop - 

Per Susan Briscoe's instructions, I hemmed the throw right after basting.  Tougher to do with batting, however thin the batting is (Cream Rose). 

Two weeks ago Tommy and Camille went to Tokyo, and this week David was in Tokyo.  We tried hard to coordinate timing but it didn't work out so I stayed home.  

Here's Camille barely visible in a dish shop in Kappabashi (kitchen district).  

In other news...  after debating for a couple of years, it looks like we have decided to get a golden-doodle puppy (medium sized) in the spring (I put down a deposit).... Very exciting except for when I'm having second thoughts.  It is so nice to be able to leave the house without a care in the world.  And yet, I do miss having a dog! 

Hope all of you my far-flung quilty buddies are having a good start to February... 



  1. Your love for Japan will never wash away! The indigo quilts are all wonderful. Won’t you need to visit Japan to fill up your stash of indigo fabric? So you are getting a puppy! We just lost our 18-year-old cat and have decided not to have another one.

    1. It's so sad to lose a beloved pet. 18 years old is remarkable! David was just in Tokyo and got some indigo for me at Bingoya!

  2. Lovely QIPs , Cynthia--your indigo fabrics are really lovely--how are they to hand stitch through?
    Chloe is just so adorable;))) So nice to see your quilt being used...hugs, Julierose

    1. They are fine to hand stitch through, although I am discovering that "quilting" with sashiko thread and needle, through two layers plus batting, is a challenge.

  3. You have so many beautiful projects going. I have a dog, Sammie, and she is 13 years old. I would love to get another. Have a wonderful February. Hugs, Cathy

    1. Thank you Cathy. I think we are still in debate mode, about the puppy.... so many pros and cons.

  4. Your sashiko stitching is so beautiful, Cynthia. Do you mark the circles and lines for stitching?
    You have lots of quilting projects on the go with the sashiko quilts, the log cabins, and helping your niece.
    Chloe looks so sweet. Does she look like her mom?
    I'm sorry you missed a trip to Tokyo when other family went. Maybe another time?
    Oh, a puppy! We were without an Airedale for four years and I missed her so much. A year and a half ago we brought home an adult Airedale, a breeding mum from a breeder. She's very sweet, but gosh, I forgot how limiting dogs (any pets, really) can be. But they sure are a lot of fun! Enjoy yours when she/he arrives!

    1. I mark some of the lines and others are freehand. I marked the circles with a drinking glass. I use a chalk pencil or a little chalk powder marking tool. Chloe so far looks like her Dad! Airedales are beautiful! Yes... it's the "limiting" factor that is now giving me pause!

  5. I always enjoy your updates! There are so many different ways to enjoy stitching; it’s been a while since I did any Sashiko and your projects make me realize it might be fun to do another. There are lots of pros and cons to consider re getting a pet. So far, we are a “no” but it’s tempting at times and they are well worth it for so many - another adventure!😊

    1. Gladi, I have to say that "tempting at times" is how I've felt since returning to Japan. Maybe the daydream is enough, and I was too quick to put in a deposit. :). There's a lot of freedom in not having a pet.

  6. Your Sashiko is so amazing! I'm happy to see you are doing another one right away. That book themed baby shower is such a cute idea. Hope you get a chance to photograph the quilt on your next visit.

  7. Your sashiko projects are beautiful, and so is baby Chloe! Yes, getting a puppy is definitely life-altering, especially the travel aspects. My hubby has said our current almost 8-year old dog will be our last, I sure hope I'll be able to hold him to that promise, as we'll likely both be in our 80s when that time would likely come.

  8. The Sashiko is so beautiful. And I really got a kick out of the Scrappy Waves block. Very clever.
    Love the idea of a book themed baby shower.
    Chloe looks as sweet as can be.
    Oh, my goodness, that dish shop looks amazing!
    I grew up with a dog, but we couldn't have one with our kids due to allergies. I'll admit that dogs are great companions, but it is sure nice to be able to pick up and go without wondering what to do with our pooch.


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