Sunday, July 21, 2024

New grand daughter on the way! And I finished patching Two's nine-patch


First our big news is that our oldest daughter Noelle, who lives not too far from us here in NC, is due with a baby girl in December!  We are all so thrilled.  I can hardly believe it - this will make four grand daughters!  And this little one will be local to us, not far away, in Raleigh.  Noelle and Keenan are all smiles (pictured here with my niece Megan).  


Meanwhile I have finished patching up my great-grandma's nine-patch.  

I cuddled with it for a day, and then took it back to my sister-in-law Janette.  She's pleased with it. 

My first step was adding a single-fold binding over the old shattered one. 

And now I'm thinking about making my own soft nine-patch, sort of replicating this one.  Just one more quilt in my mind, happily occupying my thoughts;). 




  1. Congratulations on the new granddaughter on the way! The quilt looks great - well done!

  2. oh blessings indeed for a new grand....lovely old quilt and so nice it has been renewed...

  3. Congratulations on your happy family news;)))
    That two-patch quilt is so soft looking and lovely. It would be an easy quilt to replicate and fun to make, too...hugs, Julierose

  4. What sweet and wonderful news, maybe a soft nine-patch for the wee lass?

  5. Congratulations on the new addition to your collection of granddaughters you will have to make another charming quilt!
    It is good that you took time to cuddle with the patched quilt. You have done a superb job. This quilt will pay back all the love that has been put into it and hug everyone who touches it.
    All the best to you all.

  6. So much joy fills your life, you are so blessed.

    The soft classic 9-Patch is inspiring, I agree.

  7. Oh What a Blessing! Wonderful baby news. 4 Granddaughters, what fun.
    Your repairs are wonderful and brought this beauty back to life.

  8. Congratulations. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have some of my grandchildren close by so we can form relationships and give hugs.
    One of the ladies in my quilt group has been cleaning things out and was giving stuff away last week. I came home with a big piece of floral drapery fabric that has been washed so it's the best "soft" you're ever felt. Making something to cuddle with was my first thought. Somebody else might think it's useless but I am thrilled. There is a little more purple in it that I would normally use but I just can't get over the feel of the fabric. My grandmother worked in the drapery department of ZCMI (large department store owned by the church in Salt Lake City) and would bring my mother remnants all the time. My thrifty mother was always making us clothes out of them and the texture and drape of this piece is exactly what I remember. I don't blame you for wanting to replicate your grandmother's quilt. It's a hug from the past.


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