Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Continued mending on Two's quilt, quick trip to Boston

I have finished patching the (mostly purple) nine-patches on my great-grandma's nine patch, for my sister-in-law Janette. 

The quilting stitches are so so tiny! 

I used 25 weight thread to patch things up... with my giant stitches... 

Sometimes in the ditch: 

Where ever I have pins in the quilt, I need to patch up the muslin.  That's next.   

David and I got up to Boston for a few days.  Sometimes we just need a dose of "back home." 

He fished, we both caught up with some dear friends, we ate great food, we enjoyed the Museum of Fine Arts.  

What do we have here.... Prince's Feather, Mary Price Hall, about 1860, Ohio  - 

David was amazed at these teeny tiny reverse appliqué circles: 

In Boston we also saw an absolutely stunning musical,  Gatsby.  We have always enjoyed productions by A.R.T. (often pre-Broadway) and I love their entire ethos.  

Then David went on to Tokyo, and I returned home to North Carolina.  It felt good to walk in the door.  I think because we have lived so many places, many places feel like "home" and we miss them all when we aren't there. I guess you can't live in three places at once?? 

I am always trying to pack lightly (freedom!).   When I'm with David, we carry-on.  When I'm on my own, I check my bag, even though it is carry-on sized.  I hate the stress of boarding, wondering if there will be room above for my suitcase.   

My quest for the perfect carryon 'personal item' is also never ending.  I have a couple of small backpacks, but I think I'm really more of a "zippered tote" person.  I love this old Cath Kidston oilcloth tote and I tend to turn back to it again and again.  

Tomorrow is July 4th.  It will be a quiet, solo, indoors (cool) day for me.  Hopeful thoughts for democracy. 




  1. i watch NECN a lot and the youtube channel 'live new england'....i loved living in boston and south shore for most of my life....yes, democracy is on all our minds...

  2. Hopeful thoughts for sure here too...scarey times...
    sounds like you had a lovely visit to Boston...
    enjoy this long weekend...hugs, Julierose

  3. You are doing a good job on the quilt. The Prince’s Feather you saw in Boston is amazing.
    Enjoy your holiday.

    1. Thanks Queenie. It's fun to do. Yes that old quilt was amazing, with its tiny stitches and bright colors.

  4. I love how you are repairing this quilt! Your Boston trip sounds very nice. It’s been a long time since I was there. I’m very afraid for democracy and what is happening in the US.

  5. Repairing an old quilt is really a labor of love. But, it is so worth it. I've repaired a few and the most memorable was my daughter-in-laws father's childhood quilt. It was big and heavy (wools from old coats were used) and it was really dirty. I jumped in and washed it repeatedly in the tub, repaired what I could, and sewed tulle over moth eaten places that couldn't be repaired. He was so thrilled!!!! I'd given him a back a piece of his childhood. Don't be critical about your stitches, they are made with love, the best stitches of all.

    1. What a neat story - and gift of your time and attention to do that for your daughter-in-law's father!

  6. How lovely to mend this special family quilt. I've been thinking about making a new nine patch quilt. I think it is my all time favorite block.
    What a nice getaway. I love that quilt! the orange center, the red bird - everything is just beautiful.
    I have a rubberized canvas zip top tote that I like too. I am a gate checker. I don't like lifting things over my head.

    1. Thank you Barb. I am too - thinking about replicating this one (sort of). What could be better than a nine-patch?


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