Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Yokohama Quilt Festival, part three - Modern Quilt Studio, and more

detail, quilt by Nobuko Miyake

A few more from this fun show.  

I enjoyed the exhibit from the Modern Quilt Studio.  I love the color palette!

Three Cheers by the Modern Quilt Studio 

Frustrating as ever to not have the English text printed, when the text surely originated in English!
detail from
Three Cheers by the Modern Quilt Studio

Pacific by Modern Quilt Studio

detail from Pacific by Modern Quilt Studio

I loved this one.  It is so well balanced, with wonderfully colorful yet calm color palette, simple machine quilting.
Katsura by Modern Quilt Studio 

detail, Katsura by Modern Quilt Studio 

Inner Circle, Modern Quilt Studio

Detail, Inner Circle, Modern Quilt Studio 
And more from the main body of the show.  I absolutely loved this one by Nobuko Miyake!

quilt by Nobuko Miyake 

detail, quilt by Nobuko Miyake

I really like the attic windows setting.  Julie pointed out that the quilting patterns are reminiscent of sashiko:

detail, quilt by Nobuko Miyake 

detail, quilt by Nobuko Miyake
And this one by Korean quilter YangSook Choi: 

Blue World VII by YangSook Choi

I wish I'd taken a close up shot.  It is one layer, very transparent and airy.

There was a vendor area as well.  I have to admit I loved seeing a Bernina presence:

I hope this quilter wouldn't have minded me snapping this photo of "my" machine that I'm just so anxious to arrive in Tokyo!  Bernina 465QE for the win!

Last but not least, I adored this fun (FUN!) woolen quilt by Hiromi Yokota

Funny Cats by Hiromi Yokota 

detail from Funny Cats by Hiromi Yokota 

Carin asked me which one is my favorite.  Impossible question.  They are just so charming and sweet. 
detail from Funny Cats by Hiromi Yokota 

I mean, how cute and fun are these cats?!

detail from Funny Cats by Hiromi Yokota 

That's the end of this small sampling of some favorites from the festival. 

Back in real life, David and I have started looking for an apartment.  I loved stumbling across a really big old tree, in the heart of a busy Tokyo neighborhood:

Til next time,



  1. Thank you for showing these wonderful photos, Cynthia. The talent and creativity of quilters, worldwide, constantly astounds me.
    Good luck with your apartment search!

  2. Thanks again for sharing photos of these fabulous quilts. The bowls by Nobuko Miyake are simply wonderful, such textural (heavy?) background fabrics add a lot of interest to the appliques. I hope you find an apartment very soon and can settle in with your Bernina.

  3. So nice to see these photos. I have been so super busy since then, that I have hardly had time to look through what I ended up with on my camera ... let alone make a post.

  4. Another great round of quilts! I especially like the Funny Cats! That tree is amazing. I love finding the unexpected. I haven't been in a big city for so long, it must be fascinating!

  5. So many beautiful quilts! Thank you for sharing them with us. I like Inner Circle and Pacific the best of this batch.

  6. Thank you for sharing quilts from this wonderful international show! So much inspiration!


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