Sunday, April 10, 2016

More quilts at the NEQM

Here are a few more pics from my visit to the New England Quilt Museum the other day  (As much as I loved the exhibit of Japanese quilts, I am also so drawn to antique American quilts).

 A gazillion half square triangles in this LeMoyne Star quilt circa 1870:

 A simple and striking log cabin, circa 1900:

Notice the "big" stitches -

Some charming red work, 1889:

Such a lovely "prized possession" this must have really been -

And lastly, this treasure trove of antique fabrics:

I'm noticing half square triangles everywhere.  I am making something with lots of little half square triangles too.  It is a "study quilt" for the American Quilt Study Group.  I know I read somewhere that we are requested to not show the study quilts on our blogs, not yet... but just so ya know.... that's where most of my quilting energy has been going lately!

Hope all my quilt buddies are having a nice spring.... (when will spring really reach Massachusetts?) or a lovely autumn in the other hemisphere!



  1. Autumn here! I love that half square triangle quilt, thank you for the close up details. I feel such a thrill when I look at antique quilts it feels like a real connection to the past, because we know someone held and sewed fabric and we carry on the tradition.

  2. Thank you for sharing these beautiful antique quilts ~ yes, lovely Autumn here...the best season in Melbourne.

  3. A very nice showing of antique quilts. There is something quite special about them don't you think?

  4. Thanks for sharing the show. Marie left for Boston today and may have taken what little spring we have seen with her ... because it sure has become blustery and cold suddenly.

  5. Ha! I wasn't paying attention to the title and when I saw the first quilt I said, "wow" how did I miss that one at Sturbridge? Par for the course, I rarely pay attention. Thanks for sharing these and I hope to get to Lowell soon. Will certainly let you know when we come down and hopefully we can meet up for lunch!

  6. Yum, yum, yummy! these are wonderful - prized possession indeed! Thanks for sharing you lovely pictures :0)

  7. Such wonderful quilts. I think my favorite has to be the Vermont Stars. Too bad they have not bern able to research thr maker. I noticed in the hst quilt, that the maker had good piecing days and not so good day. She had I have similar kinds of days. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you for sharing these, and the signs for each. I love the detail. I'm working on my study quilt too! Looking forward to seeing yours.

  9. Oh my, thank you so much for sharing these, especially the HST 4Patch one with those lovely conversationals (I'm a bit obsessed....)

  10. thanks for sharing these great quilts!

  11. Cynthia, May I re-post the two pictures of conversationals on my blog with the next 19th Century ones I post??


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