Monday, October 5, 2015

Flags of the American Revolution - finished!

Last night I put the final final stitches into my Flags of the American Revolution quilt (pattern by Jan Patek) -

 ... started back in summer 2014 with this center medallion... I had already bound it and was just working on quilting the border these past weeks.

 Thank you Lori at Humble Quilts for organizing this quilt along!  I can say I wouldn't have stuck with this, without your deadlines and the feeling of community you created around it.

As I examined the whole quilt before truly calling it finished... I discovered two places where I had accidentally caught big tangly loops of quilting thread on the backing.  Errgh.  A little freeform applique to the rescue - hence the random star and moon on the already "make do" backing.

I washed it and threw it into the dryer last night before going to bed...

It shrunk up quite a bit... which is fine with me  - I really like the puckered up look.

This is a quilt truly for our house, which was built around 1750.

 I will keep it on/near the living room couch - for napping!


  1. Sensational! I love the back too. I love the puckered look after washing too. It will be so comforting this winter!

    1. Thank you Wendy! I'm so glad to have finished it before the cold weather sits in.

  2. I am in awe of your beautiful quilt!! I have been wanting to make this for a long time. Your finish inspires me to "just do it"! Your hand quilting is perfect on this quilt! Love!

    1. Thank you LuAnn! Just do it - one block at a time! I'm glad I did hand quilt this - although it took over 6 months of TV time to quilt it!

  3. Wow! What a beautiful finish! Great quilting and a perfect back :)

    1. Thank you Barbara - the back was fun to piece. I used some Stars in a Time Warp there too.

  4. Turned out just perfect. The hand quilting really makes yours special.

    1. Nancy, thanks. Most quilts, I machine quilt on my home machine, but some I do hand quilt and althought it takes forever, I never regret it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It looks amazing! LOVE the texture from the quilting.:)

    1. Thank you so much Audrey! As much as I love machine quilting on my home machine, there is nothing quite like hand quilting!

  6. wonderful version - congratulations. I love the black stitching! the back is fun too :)

  7. Your quilting on it is perfect! I bet it is soft and comfy!! I love seeing the finished project.

    1. Thank you Lori - yes, comfy - as I write this, David is covered with it on the couch as we watch a little TV! Thanks again for organizing the quilt along and keeping us all on track! I never would have kept on task without that "homework" ;).

  8. Your quilt is awesome! The colors are perfect and the texture with your quilting is wonderful. I really love the cording around the eagle!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Marcie. The cording (just a simple backstitch with sashiko thread) was a solution to the fact that there was virtually NO value difference between the brown of the eagle and the light blue background...

  9. I love your eagle! With the hand quilting in that dark thread and the crinkling from your wash it looks like an antique. Marvelous finish!!


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