Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Piecing old indigo

I've been going gangbusters piecing some indigo throws, two so far, using old pieces I collected in Japan, plus some newer indigo, and even some Liberty tana lawn. 

Meanwhile, a few simple pleasures, like the beautiful basil we are getting in our little pots outside our front door.  Simple salad with fruit, basil, burrata cheese, olive oil, s&p. 

Facetiming with twin toddlers is sort of hilarious: 

My in-laws are visiting for a few days.  David made tempura, his Mom's favorite Japanese dish - here the vege is all ready to go - 

And I made my father-in-law's favorite - cherry pie - for dessert.  

For my indigo throws, my goal is to make three more - one for us, and for each daughter.  I made one for Tommy in 2021:

I've already basted and hemmed Noelle's indigo throw (see Susan Briscoe's excellent instructions in The Book of Boro.).  

Now I'm stitching it all over with simple sashiko stitches, some visible and some not.  I used a drinking glass to mark these circles: 

Yes - I really like leaving knots exposed. 

I love this asanoha pattern on this indigo, and I'm just tracing some of lines with off-white sashiko thread: 

David enjoys tending our tiny garden space in the front.  He's doing some niwaki or "cloud pruning" with the existing holly bush:  

Springtime here in North Carolina is just so beautiful.  The clematis really enjoys this sunny spot: 

With the heaviness of world events right now, it feels sort of trivial and indulgent to blog about these little domestic things... but I do.  The sunshine and shadow, all together, in our lives and in the world.  




  1. I enjoy reading about “domestic things” - a great break from all those shadows. Your indigo throws are lovely and make me want to get out my indigo stash and do the same 😊. Yay for spring, even in New England!

  2. Your indigo throws are so beautiful, so in the boro tradition. And your added hand sewed sashika must create such a soft lovely texture.
    Tempura is my fave Japanese food too! How beautifully your husband has prepared the veggies. And the cherry pie looks scrumptious.

    I enjoy the simple joys that bloggers share, we we need take note of happiness even in a darkening world.


  3. Just stunning indigo throws, Cynthia;)) Your Clematis blooms are so lovely...nice to read about happy things these days--thanks for a nice posting...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. (from Elizabeth E, just in case Google doesn't let me sign in as me)
    You've given me a lot to think about in this post, from your delicious home-grown plate of dinner, to the tempura and pie. I'm also intrigued by the knots in the sashiko, and if I were to try this, would follow in your footsteps: the texture is wonderful. I loved this post, with all the flowers and peace and indigo.

  5. We should always think and concentrate on the things that bring us joy and peace. Nothing to gain by focusing on the angst and craziness of the world. I love the indigo throws and your hand stitching is a perfect touch. I was intrigued by your cherry pie baked in the cast iron pan. Is the topping a biscuit dough?

    1. Babcia, I just used my usual pie dough, and folded it over. Rustic, and no waste.

  6. Your boro quilts, as well as your salad server are so beautiful. They are perfect for your home. Then in the garden the flowers are blossoming. You are so lucky.


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