Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Seasonal tenugui

We are back from Maine and I've been in "quiet puttering" mode which has included finally getting my collection of Japanese tenugui in order, so that I can swap them out more easily each month.  I clipped them in two batches on hangers, to store in David's office closet near the entryway.   Now I can easily rotate them. 

Seasonality is so important in Japan and I do love this collection!  It was fun to collect these over time, to loosely fit our American seasonal themes.  

Here they all are in batches: 

January - Fuji-san with snow and pine tree

February - plum blossoms

March - cat in doorway 

April - cherry blossoms 

May - Irises 

June - icecream cone 

July - Fuji-san with fireworks 

August - Furin (Japanese wind chimes) 

September - grapes 

October - fish and cat 

November - teacups with maple leaves motif 

December - birdies and snow 

The entryway seems to be a good place for them. 

Reviewing vacation snapshots... 

Trolley in Ogunquit charming and practical - 

Puzzle time! 

Charlotte loved the beach! 

I brought two quilts along including the blue and white tenugui quilt - peekaboo Amelia! 

Multiple ice cream outings - 

Tommy made us beautiful lobster rolls for our last dinner all together - (with hamburger or bean burgers for some of us).  I look forward to Maine lobster rolls each year!   Typically you can choose chilled lobster meat with a little mayo, or warm meat with butter.  

Two minivans, seven adults, three littles, road trip from North Carolina to Maine (with stops along the way) and back, lots of fun.  Sort of chaotic.  Good memories made.  Everyone stayed healthy!  Also, nice to be home again. 



  1. looks idyllic....19 days to my maine vacation...few days at mum's and then off to beach and motel on water...oh yes there will be lobster too!

  2. I love Maine! Glad you had such a wonderful trip! I love your tenugui!

  3. I am so happy that you had a great time in Maine! It would have been great to connect at the Maine quilt show, but I know how precious family time is! What happy memories! Your tenugui panels are so beautiful.

  4. Those grand babies are getting so big and grown looking! I don't envy you the drive to Maine but the time there with family - priceless!


  5. Love your seasonal tengui; the entrance is the perfect spot for display! Maine is such a fabulous place to vacation - so glad yours went well!

  6. The seasonal tengui are delightful.
    Looks like fun times in Maine. You probably need a vacation to recuperate. ;)
    We will be there briefly next month, and I am looking forward to it.
    (And personally, I prefer a crab roll).

  7. The tenegui are perfect for the entryway, how wonderful that you found one to represent each month of the year. I love the photos of those adorable grandchildren, the twins are getting so big, nearly one year old now? I loved lobster but it didn't love me, turns out I have an iodine allergy, so no seafood anymore. Luckily salmon and halibut are not a problem.

  8. Making memories is so important. Glad you all had a great time together. Yum, for lobster rolls

  9. You have certainly got a good illustration for each month of the year - Japanese fashion.
    Lovely to hear you had such a good holiday with the family. Good memories to look back on all year round.

  10. Love those fabrics both colours and designs. What great photos of wonderful family fun. I esp. liked the kiddies enjoying themselves and that photo of you two. Delicious food too. Memories for all! My older daughter is Amelia...she is Amelia Jane, named after my maternal grandmother.

  11. I feel like I went on vacation too. Thanks for sharing. I love the Tenugui. How did you ever decide which ones to buy, they are wonderful.

  12. Great collection of tenugui! Your family vacation looks wonderful!

  13. Making family memories is just the BEST! Looks like so much fun.
    I adore the Japanese tenugui!!

  14. It sounds like a wonderful vacation. It's good there were so many adults to help care for the little ones. All three are adorable! I hope Kaela and her husband are doing better.
    I looked up the word "tenugui" and found that the word translates to "hand wipers." I guess we have some beautiful hand and dish towels here in the States, but nothing as beautiful as these. Are they cotton?

  15. What beautiful seasonal tenugui panels to display in your home. Looks like you had a wonderful family vacation!

  16. I love your tenugui collection! There are always such beautiful ones to be found and I occasionally buy one but my husband ties them around his neck before I can change them over in the one hanger that I have!

    Looks like you had fun with all your family!

  17. Oh my gosh what a fabulous post. I love the tenugui collection. What wonderful designs and colorations. One is better than the next.
    The vocation photos are filled will with such family love and fun. Thanks for sharing!


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