Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A little appliqué on Lovebirds

I've been able to sneak away to my sewing room here and there to start again on Tommy and Camille's Lovebirds quilt.  

I finished this rainbow awhile ago, needleturn appliqué: 

Raw edge appliqué for the little birdies: 

Using the "mono" setting to check for contrast: 

These mountains (purple of course, and set on a pink sky) as a nod to Utah were so fun to make using invisible machine appliqué:

It's fun to work on the Lovebirds quilt so soon after their wedding.  It just makes me smile.  They are getting settled in San Francisco.  Everyone is still talking about their lovely and fun wedding.  I hope Camille's parents have recovered!  It's so much work to be the parents of the bride! 

Most days I'm over at Kaela's... 

She's starting to not need the back brace so much.   She is such a good mama at such a difficult time. 

We had a rainy Memorial Day weekend.  I worked a little on some geneaology.  Tried not to panic at the state of our country.  Kaela and Charlotte were able to go to church for the first time in weeks so that was good.  

More and more is coming out about the accident, as the police report became available and Kaela spoke with one of the people who stopped to help.  Would you believe the first people on the scene to help Kaela were an off-duty police officer and his mother?  Angels on earth in the right place at the right time, and brave enough to stop.  Kaela spoke with the mother who was able to clarify a lot of things.  Kaela must have been in such shock.  It was good for her to hear that they got the babies and Charlotte out first, then some men got Joe out, and then the EMS and fire rescue arrived although she said they waited a long time for that.  Kaela is getting good help for her PTSD but I think it will be a long healing process. 

These are the moments we are cherishing..... David with the babies, Ellie and Amelia.  Behind this photo is a lot of spit up, laundry, feedings, changings, and two-almost-three year old Charlotte adding a lot to the mix too.  

On our trip to Utah I started listening to Barbara Kingsolver's latest novel, Demon Copperhead.   It is set in the mountains of southern Appalachia during the opioid crisis - themes of dysfunctional foster care, poverty, neglect, cruelty, addiction and everything that goes with it.  Desperation, and hope.  Based on Dickens' David Copperfield.  The larger societal systems that just keep people in poor rural areas down.  Difficult themes and I highly recommend it but with a very big "content/language warning" for my gentle quilter friends.  Demon is an unforgettable character, rarely has a character felt more real,  and you are just desperately rooting for him the whole time.  And it's sort of a tortured love letter to Appalachia where my Mom and all her people were from. 


  1. Your “lovebirds” quilt is looking good! With a toddler and 2 babies to help with, it’s a wonder you get any sewing done. Best wishes to your daughter and family for a solid recovery from PTSD - not easy! I LOVED Demon Copperhead - great book! And David Copperfield is a favorite too.

  2. What a fun project. Did you ever show us your design sketch?

    Lovely family, so many smiles even in adversity.

  3. This will be such a delightful quilt when it's finished, Cynthia! I'm looking forward to your continued progress and the coming blocks.
    What a great photo of David and the babies. He looks so happy.
    It's good Kaela was able to learn more about what happened immediately after the crash. Whenever she comes to mind I send a prayer Heavenward.
    Nancy at ndmessier @ gmail. (Again, google wouldn't let me do anything but Anonymous or Name/url. So sorry for the inconvenience.)

  4. Rainbow and Love birds are so pretty--Great needleturn applique --I have loads of trouble doing that neatly...;000 you, obviously, do it well nice work hugs, Julierose

  5. The Lovebirds quilt is just so fun! I really love the nod to the Utah mountains. ;)
    Bless Kaela's heart--that is great that she has been able to get some answers from some of those on the scene (who were not at the accident by accident). I just read a novel about a woman who had survived a serious accident, and the journey she went through trying to get through the PTSD and come to grips with what happened--when she could finally remember it all. Kaela's experience echos a lot of points in the story. Glad she is improving--and has such a good support system.

  6. It is heartwarming to read what a close and supportive family you are. Recovery takes a long time and much energy but you manage to balance dealing with the stress and physical recovery with love bird stitching and child care.
    You will come out strong and well in the end.
    All the best

  7. I'm sure working on the lovebird quilt is giving you much peace to work on these days. I hope the answers Kaela is getting about the accident helps somehow to process it. I cannot imagine.
    Love that photo of David and the babies!!

  8. Love seeing the progress on your Lovebirds quilt! The rainbow is delightful.:) Wonderful that recovery is happening for your family and things are starting to return to normal. What a terrible thing to experience for all involved.


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