Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December winding down... and a look to 2023


A few Christmas snapshots... 

Charlotte at 2 1/2 full of wonder: 

My three children Noelle, Kaela, and Tommy, my two nieces Megan and Alyssa, and my three grand daughters at Kaela's place for our holiday get-together, a pizza night.  JOY!   

Christmas Eve dinner at our place: 

Charlotte likes to bring this nativity set piece by piece over to the coffee table -why not? 

Christmas morning back at Kaela's: 

Tommy's fiancé Camille arrived yesterday from Utah.  Such a delight to have with us!  At Kaela's house last night: 

2022 was eventful for us and somewhat stressful with our move from Japan and eventually to our townhouse in North Carolina.  The process took seemingly forever!  

I'm definitely looking forward to beginning and ending the next year in the same place, and getting some good routines going, including more quilting.  

Happy New Year to you my blog friends.  I love having these connections far and wide.   

I hope we all navigate 2023 well, giving and receiving plenty of love and support, through all the happy and all the difficult times too, and one stitch at a time. 

Thank you for reading! 




  1. What a good looking family group! Love the joy that radiates in these photos.
    When did Charlotte get so big??
    And I think it is sweet that she likes to arrange the Nativity on a table at her own level.
    Joy to you and yours in the new year!

  2. These are the moments that we treasure in our hearts. Happy New Year.

  3. Charlotte is just adorable, love the way she carefully moves the nativity set to where it's at her eye level. When my son was her age, a friend and I each made a cloth nativity set for our kids. People were stuffed with poly and a section of dried beans at the bottom to keep them upright, the animals were made of felt, with stuffing and jointed. My son loved that set, and carried baby Jesus around with him wherever he went. I ended up making two or three of them since he wore out the original baby. Your family is making beautiful memories with your precious grandbabies. Happy New Year!

  4. It looks like you had such a fun time with your whole family together for a while. Charlotte is just too cute. She is at such a fun age.
    Your stockings are delightful with all the red and white fabrics and the embroidered names at the top.
    It's great that you're settled into your home for a while now. Moving can be draining and is always disruptive. And to get back to sewing and quilting will be wonderful!
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  5. After all the hard work you’ve had with moving house and settling down, the year is ending in a good a joyful way.
    This will be a Christmas to remember.
    Now is the time to make plans for 2023. May your resolution and hope for more time to quilt come true.
    Thank you for your friendship and support during last year.
    All the best for 2023.

  6. You had a bit of a busy and hectic year. You ended well, making memories with family by your side for the holidays. Thanks for continuing to blog!

  7. You are wise to cherish and enjoy your lovely family. It’s also wise to carve out some time for your own creativity. I wish you plenty of both in the new, more settled 😊, year!

  8. I'm so glad you had family to celebrate with this year. It looks like you had a wonderful time! Hope you get into a "quilting" routine next year!

  9. Thankyou for sharing your lovely family holiday (and indeed your hectic year!). I enjoyed your Japan posts in the archives recently and am delighted to anticipate your next adventures, currently on the home front.


  10. So happy that you had your family all together for Christmas. Have a wonderful and Happy New Year!! I'm hoping for a bright and healthy 2023 for all!

  11. Happy New Year! Nice to see your family together.

  12. Such a good time with all your beautiful family! Yes, 2022 was a year full of challenges but being in one place with family will make 2023 all the better!


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