Monday, September 7, 2020

Stockings etc.

 I don't know where the time goes, and we have another Monday, a grey rainy one.  

This is my world lately - cutting out for Christmas stockings - now time to assemble - 

A good creative mess - just move it over when it's time to use the table for a meal - 

Wanted to get Charlotte's stocking done so I can bring it to Texas when I travel there.... in two weeks! (because... who knows when Japan will open up international mail again?   We can receive things but not send, so, it's sort of a mystery).   

I thought while I have all the time in the world  (I can't believe we are 6+ months into this!) I would work on a generous stockpile of mix and match "future grand children" stockings.  Then as new babies arrive I won't be reinventing the wheel - just be embroidering the name;).   A lot of the fabric is from the Scandi 2 line from Makower UK.  

Yes my suitcases are out already!  Can't wait to see this girl!  Three months old! 

It's funny.  As soon as I cut out all those stockings, I said to David "just watch, the next time I'm in a quilt store I'm going to see fabric or a style I like even better" - 

Just moments later, flipping through my latest issue of Quilts Japan:

spotted this amazingly adorable stocking: 

So adorably cute! 

The other thing I'm working on slowly is adding hand quilting to my Soft Quilt for Hard Times - at night when I'm watching shows with David.  (That's a weather report on TV - typhoon season for sure). 

I tried to order more of my favorite quilting thread - Mettler - but can't find it.  I ordered some Gutermann to be delivered to my daughter's in Texas.  Hand quilters - what thread do you recommend?? 



  1. Lucky you! What a darling! I have yet to see my youngest granddaughter in person and she will be two the first of December. I have always used Coats and Clarks Dual Duty plus. It holds up well. once the spool I purchased was poor quality and they sent me a new one when I complained.

  2. I like Aurifil #12 variegated thread - a little thick and nice colors

  3. I love your stockings. It will be so great to see that darling granddaughter. I do a lot of big stitch and use pearle cotton #12. Hugs

  4. Such exciting news--Grandma time, finally! Your stocking is so cute and what a good idea to make several to match. I'm not a huge hand quilter, but years ago someone recommended YLI glazed cotton quilting thread because it doesn't knot up on itself. I gave it a try and it is a pleasure to use. Too bad my arthritic hands don't agree!

  5. If I'm doing big stitch quilting I really like Aurifil 12 wt. For regular smaller stitches I like Guttermann or Aurifil 28 wt. The stockings are sweet,and you're right about the one in your new magazine, it's wonderful! Maybe you and David need some new ones?

  6. If it helps, I've been using Mettler silk-finish for years and love it. I buy mine from since my local stores here in TX
    don't stock it. And BTW your granddaughter is adorable!

  7. your apartment is Santa's workshop! Looks like you have quite a few going. It is super cute and timeless red and white.
    What a sweet photo of Charlotte. She is so cute and you are gonna have so much fun holding and cuddling her. I'm so happy for you!
    I use guttermann for hand quilting.

  8. Charlotte is beautiful! So exciting that you are going to finally see her soon. My favorite thread for hand quilting is 30 weight SILK Guttermann. It glides through the fabric and makes stitching a pleasure. JoAnn's carries a number of colors and I order others as I need online from Red Rock Threads in Utah.

  9. The stockings will be darling! And how exciting to see Charlotte finally.
    I like the Americana thread from Joann's. But I use anything I have.I do not use silk tho bec I have the idea silk deteriorates quicker than cotton, not sure if that is true tho.


  10. Wow...Charlotte is beautiful...looks like a brown eyed girl..lucky you...So now if you go will David go too or will you be able to get back into Japan...Lucky, brave you traveling...God speed xo

  11. Your granddaughter looks so adorable on her quilt! I’m glad to hear you are finally able to travel. I hope you went ahead and bought the fabric for the other stockings, those babies will need more than one, right? I’m so loving your soft quilt. I use YLI quilting thread pretty much exclusively for hand quilting, but then I like the look and feel of a beefy thread.

  12. I am thrilled to hear that you get to go cuddle Charlotte! She is adorable!
    And you know she will love her stocking because her grandma made it for her--and if you don't ever tell her you found something you like better just after you made it, she will be none the wiser. :)
    For decades I have hand quilted with Gutterman hand quilting thread. Maybe there is something better out there, but I have been happy with this thread.

  13. I'm so glad you will finally get to see your sweet granddaughter! And stocking up on Christmas stockings is a great idea. Love the fabric you chose :) I've always used Coats & Clark Dual Duty hand quilting thread in white or natural as it was always available at Michaels.

  14. Oh those stockings are so cute! And believe me, you will always find new fabrics you like better, but you will always have the memories of your life in Japan embedded into these beauties. Can't wait to see a photo of you holding that little bundle of joy! And, as for thread, I use whatever I have on hand. Most of the time it is Mettler because I bought so much of it years ago but as long as it is strong and doesn't tangle easily, I will use anything.

  15. Wow! You can actually go and see Charlotte and her parents! Lucky you!
    Santa's stocking factory is in full swing, great print, but I agree the appliqué stocking is just as charming.
    You are so good at organising your quilting projects, by it at the dining table or sofa.

  16. Yes you need to get to see Charlotte soon! She's turning into a little girl (as opposed to a baby) just in our blog visits!

    How clever of you to be making future grandchildren Christmas socks... Should I be working on something? My grandson is due December 21... He may or may not need a sock... Early or late baby?

  17. I can't tell you how happy I am that you are finally going to get to hold that precious baby. I know you are itching to see her in person. I wish you safe travels and stay healthy!

  18. i hand quilt and my preferred is aurifil 28 wt...but have used sulky 30 wt to get the right color....adorable stockings and baby!

  19. I also use Guttermann for hand quilting as well as machine quilting...Charlotte is so sweet...lovely picture of her on that quilt ;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  20. Your first three photos didn't show up in blogger but I checked on feedly and was able to see them. I love the photo of your workspace with the bits of fabric on the floor. It's so fun and interesting to see how others create.
    How exciting that you're going to Texas in two weeks! You must be over-the-moon thrilled, looking forward to meeting little Charlotte.
    Such fun stockings.
    For hand quilting I usually use Americana from JoAnn (cheap and available) but am currently using Gutermann because Americana has such limited colors. I find the Gutermann has been twisting and knotting, though.
    Safe travels to you!

  21. Great idea about the stockings, and yes -- we'll always see something cuter just as soon as we get the project underway. But I like yours as they are bright and fun and cheerful, and I think they will be wonderful. Love seeing your workspace!

  22. glad you are able to visit your granddaughter. hope to visit mine before she reaches kindergarten. your Neighbor Andrea is my daughter and her new baby Sana is my latest grandchild. If I ever reach Tokyo I look forward to meeting you and talking quilts. I did send over a new baby quilt for Sana via fedex.


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