Monday, June 25, 2018

Vermont Quilt Festival - indigo dyeing class

I took an itajime shibori dyeing workshop at the Vermont Quilt Festival on Saturday.  Our instructor Cindy Lohbeck  made it fun and fast paced (though a bit too rushed at the end) and the venue was perfect.  Highly recommend, if you ever get a chance to take one of her workshops.   That gal completely knows what she's talking about.

Triangle folds, then clamp on templates for the resist:

Once home, around midnight I rinsed and revealed... totally fun... and I'm ready to order more fabric and dye from Cindy!

And (even though I'm sure these are rough) I'm thrilled with the results!

I'm not going to be too fussy with these - I will probably lob them together into a simple, utilitarian, fun quilt. 

Then.... I hit the crepe stand... I mean, of course!

Cute tip jar.  Which way would you have voted?  I say, one isn't better than the other - just different - but there is nothing prettier than a hand quilted quilt.

And then on to the quilt show, which I will blog about later tonight after a busy day.  I didn't take many photos -

By the way, with your blog, if you are having that trouble in terms of not getting email notifications when you get comments, Barb has clear easy instructions for the fix.   Thanks Barb!

Happy Monday everyone -



  1. Those fabric samples are gorgeous! What fun that workshop must be. Definitely would vote for hand quilting, I think you just can't duplicate the softness of handquilting with a machine.

  2. What fun! Beautiful results!
    I know which way my Mom would vote. She hand quilted 30 quilts--no big stitch. All teeny tiny stitches.
    When she found out they were going to start judging all the quilts at the county fair in the same category, whether machine quilted or hand quilted, she quit entering until they separated categories again.
    I approached her carefully when I told her I was buying a quilting machine. :)

  3. great workshop -love your pieces.

  4. Lovely workshop results - looks like it was fun and inspiring!


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