Thursday, April 19, 2018

Doll quilt exchange

I am participating in Lori's (Humble Quilts) doll quilt exchange again this year.  You know, little quilts are so fun to make.  We were to make a reproduction style quilt using 19th century style fabrics.

I sent this off to Melissa in Washington state yesterday.  I hope she likes it...

I used scraps from the old Stars in a Time Warp, mainly.  A sweet pink backing to feminize the quilt a bit. Very narrow single fold binding - totally sold now on single fold! 

I was expecting some happy mail from Vermont Quilt Festival yesterday in the mail, but alas, my quilt was not accepted into the contest.  Boo.  Oh well.  I need to be more on the ball next year. Their acceptance window was 5 days long.  Of course I had spaced it and rushed at the last minute to reach that deadline window.  My application got there on day 5, but they had filled their quota on day 4.  Doh!


  1. The dolls should be happy to sleep under that quilt. It reminds me of one I made for a granddaughter's dolls. Sorry your quilt missed out on the show. I have only ever entered one contest and, though my quilt made it, I didn't get to go. Got a nice review but no prize.

  2. That is a sweet little quilt.
    Sorry you missed out on being in the show. I have never tried to enter a show. Would probably stress me out to know I was making a quilt that would be judged--but that assumes I would actually get it (which I probably wouldn't). :)

  3. What a sweet quilt! Lucky recipient! I feel a bit guilty for not hand quilting mine, but time just got away with me! I'm sorry you didn't get into VT but I'm honestly surprised it took 4 days to fill up. I always think they are full the first day of entry. I can't go this year, but let's try to make a date for next year's show!

  4. Who wouldn't love this adorable little quilt? It is just charming. sorry about VT :(
    It is a small window for entry but you can enter next year. I missed it this year too. are you going?

  5. Someone will be very lucky to recieve your little quilt. You used some great fabrics representing the time period. Love your binding too.

  6. Interesting! ThanWe had spring in midwinter, and then had winter in early spring.



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