Friday, June 2, 2017

Fall Festival, and pies

Today is the day we are linking up our finishes - or whatever we have - for the Fall Festival QAL with Lori at Humble Quilts.  Click here to see everyone's progress.

I neglected to get a photo of the top!  I am already machine quilting it, and snapped this quick pic before work this morning.  I really hope to have it finished in the next week or two!

I secured things by quilting in the ditch (along all the sashing and therefore more or less around each block/section) and now I'm just taking it section by section and free motion quilting - my very basic imperfect free motion but it gets the job done and it's just so relaxing!  I am absolutely in love with my machine - the Bernina 740.

I love the pineapples in the quilt.  Pineapples always remind me of my Mom (she loved that they symbolized hospitality)

.... and skillet pies always remind me of my Grandma Mary Lou.  My Mom passed away back in 1999, at just 55 years old (which seems younger and younger the older I get) and I still miss her so much.  I was so fortunate to have Grandma much longer.  She lived into her 90's.

I love using Grandma's cast iron skillets.  Nothing better.   And I smile remembering how my Mom would make a fresh apple pie, and we would devour it in one sitting "like a pack of wolves" as she liked to say!

Memorial Day called for a cherry pie:

Grandma's cherry pie recipe (although I admit to often using Comstock canned filling, with a little almond extract added):

Always homemade crust!  I've tried several through the years and this is my current go-to: 

In a couple of weeks I'm sure I will be making David's favorite blueberry pie for Father's Day.  This recipe is THE best, from the old Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.  I wish I still had Mom's old copy of that cookbook.

I know we all have our versions of the best;).



  1. WOW -- perfect reason not to have a photo of Fall Festival... you are already quilting it! I am so impressed and can't wait to see your finish!!!

  2. You caught my attention with the word...pie! How special that you have your grandmother's actual recipe cards and caste iron skillets. Those are my kind of pies. It makes me want to go bake a pie!

  3. I wish my Fall Festival was in the progress of being quilted! I was putting mine together today and discovered tha the bottom wide block is too wide. I have to take a bit of applique off and re-stitch.
    The pie looks delicious.

  4. Love the fabrics and the colour combinations you used for your pineapple. Reminds me of an Hawaiian sunset!

  5. Looking forward to seeing the quilted version of Fall Festival! Mmmm...pie! Definitely have to make one for Father's Day.

  6. What great pie recipes! Stealing that Blueberry Pie recipe!

    I didn't do the Fall Festival quilt but wishing I had. I for sure will have to jump on Lori's next QAL!

  7. thanks for the pie recipes - yum! I love blueberry pie!

  8. Wonderful! That quilt is so darn large I'm not sure I would be as brave as you to quilt it myself. I love your casual piecrusts. I try not to make pies because I eat too much of them but they sure are delicious!!

  9. Your Fall Festival quilt is wonderful and I love the fact that you "snapped" a quick shot before work. It is often hard for me to get the right light in the early morning or after work! Glad you love your new Bernina. I really don't enjoy cooking, but pie is my favorite "food group" so I do make them from time to time. Thanks for sharing your recipes.


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